Brielle Sports Club - Cycling



For today’s workout, why not enjoy the ride? In our spin class, you’ll cruise, climb hills, and change speeds without ever leaving our private cycling room! Whether you’re training for a triathlon or riding for a cardio workout, this indoor cycling class will take you to your destination.

Brielle Sports Club - Cycling

The Ultimate Spin Class

The best part about our cycling classes? You can take them at your own pace. Brielle Sports Club boasts top-of-the-line indoor cycling equipment, including 25 new SPINNER® Blade ION™ bikes that let you customize your speed and resistance. No matter what your goal is, you’ll experience:

  • Fat & calorie burning
  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Increased stamina
  • Lean, defined legs
  • Muscle conditioning & core strength
  • Team spirit & positive attitude

With everyone on the same team, you can actually feel the energy of those around you as you all endure the “terrain.” Whether you’re new to spin class or you’re following an established training program, Brielle Sports Club cycling classes can help you achieve your fitness and racing goals. You’ll be amazed how quickly the 60-minute low-impact cardio workout flies by!

Beginner Cycling Classes

New to cycling? No problem. Brielle Sports Clubs offers a one-hour Beginner Cycling Class designed to help you set up your bike, get moving, and build endurance.

If you’re searching for “spin classes near me,” you’ve found the best of the best. Call Us today.


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Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

Our socials